Hello everyone! I just uploaded my 2012 DEMO REEL to Newgrounds. It features an assortment of music from both finished and upcoming game releases on various platforms, including Xbox, iOS, and (of course!) Flash. You may recognize some of the tracks if you closely follow my work, but I assure you -- there's plenty there that you haven't heard! :)
...And while I have your attention, check out my new YouTube channel, with a bunch of the music from games I've scored over the years. I figured since a number of people have uploaded my music to YouTube anyway, might as well have an "official" channel people can visit to listen to it all in one place -- all the cool kids are doing it!
If you're interested in a customized audio quote, or licensing royalty-free audio from my website, feel free to send me an email (davidorr[at]davidorr.net ) or PM me on Newgrounds. Enjoy!
Always amazing, as usual.
Thank you, sir!